23 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Susan,
    Are you related to the Petrone family that lived on Murray Hill Road in
    Cleveland’s Little Italy back in the 60’s? We, a friend and myself, are
    wondering about a former Holy Rosary School classmate of ours, Marie.
    Do you happen to know of her? Her whereabouts? Would appreciate a reply.
    It’s good reading about you; I will look into your books.
    A Loganberry Bookstore customer,

    1. Just finished reading “Throw like a Woman” and hope you have a follow-up. I can’t wait to read about Brenda’s 2nd season with the Indians.
      I can’t remember writing to an author (I’m 63) but had to, this time ’cause “I live for this” is truly my mantra. I love that you used the Indians as the team to pave the way for women in baseball – just as I love the “Major League” movies to show that the Indians can allow people to laugh “with” them but yet show the respect they have for the game. THANK YOU – THANK YOU!!!! (Hope this is how to post on a blog)

  2. Hi Susan,

    This is Jamie, Polly’s friend for whom you once carried a FUSAC across the high seas.
    I go to Melissa’s book club at .mac’s Bac’s and, as you know, we’re going to read it, and I guess, you are going to come to the meeting. Look forward to reading and seeing you. Best, Jamie

  3. I Loved “Throw Like a Woman”…until the last page. Gah! As someone who compulsively loves endings, I’ve been busy creating at least five different ones for the story. To use the words from an old Peggy Lee song “Is that all there is?” (flashback moment to the old Big Chuck and Little John show…) What happens when Brenda throws the pitch? Does she or doesn’t she become more involved with her current male interest? Whaaaat???

    By the way, did I say I LOVED “Throw Like a Woman”? I laughed. I cried. I read passages aloud to my very patient hubby. More, please?

    1. Mary Jo,
      Thanks very much for your comment. I’m glad you enjoyed Throw Like A Woman. I deliberately left the ending somewhat open, although I hope that readers will take away the thought that joy trumps anger. I’m hard at work on the next novel (but it doesn’t have anything to do with baseball)!

  4. I just read your comments about Cleveland and the WS; as a life long lover of the city, who has lived in Chicago since I was 15, I have been waiting for the tribe for over 60 years to get to the Series. Your words hit me deeply and brought back a lot of great memories and thoughts of a great city, a better sports town than even Chicago, I might add.
    The Indians are a national treasure regardless of what the media says, not just because of their current winning ways, but because of their great teams and players that so many of us who called Cleveland home got a chance to experience. There are far too many to recall here but for different reasons Larry Doby, Satchel, Luis and, of course, Rocky were very special. Other than JFK’s death, nothing stirred so deep an emotion in me than when the Rock was traded.
    One of my most favorite memories in life was listening to Jimmy Dudley with my grand parents from a transistor radio hanging from a tree at Metropolitan park while barbeqing. His silky smooth voice was perfect for a lazy afternoon at the park with family and friends. When one of our great pitchers like Grant, Garcia, Lemon or Wynn would pitch to a full count, Jimmy would say, ” the string is out”, of course meaning something exciting is about to happen. I loved that phrase and it has stuck with me all these years and now I know why.
    Because as someone who today calls Chicago home, my heart remains with the smaller city on the other lake; the one that has always had to work harder to get attention. We’re about to get to a point in this World Series where only one can be crowned, where one game will make the difference. The string will be really out and this time, after the last pitch is made, I am betting on the girl with the tattoo – hail to Cleveland.

    1. Hey Carl,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. Its always nice to meet (virtually or otherwise) another lifelong Cleveland Indians fan. Go Tribe!!!

  5. Is the TV series Pitch based on your book? There are differences, but so many similarities.

    1. Hi Joyce,
      I agree there are a number of similarities between Throw Like a Woman and Pitch. I didn’t have anything to do with the show but take some small comfort in the fact that my book came out first.

  6. Susie, I couldn’t believe it when I read about your writing. I’m not surprised. I only wish I could talk to you. I still miss Marge and you. So glad about your success. Call me if you can, I’m not much for typing anymore. , Love you, Dolores Vuyancih

  7. Hi Susan, I really enjoyed A Body at Rest. Why? It featured a road trip, two of my favorite books, the right dose of humor, and was well written.

    I met you at the NE Ohio Writers Conference and look forward to your new book coming out in 2020.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Marilyn. I’m so glad you enjoyed A Body at Rest. It was great to meet you at the conference. All the best to you!

  8. Hi Susan.

    I work for Fox Sports Ohio and came across your April 8, 2013 article:
    Very nice. The photos you took were strangely prophetic for 2020. Even though they were taken before the major renovations of the park in 2015, could we have your permission to use them in our network “Our Towns, Our Teams: Covid 19 series” campaign. Here’s a link to one of our finished pieces:

    Thank you for your time.


  9. I became a fan of yours this year, Just read “This is how it happened”. Hit home in so many ways. You should make it available by itself, it would help so many cancer potions and their families.
    My wife and I do a lot with Gloria Gemma breast cancer foundation.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Allen. If you go to the Clips & Credits page, you can download a copy of This Is How It Happened. Thanks for reading.

  10. Just started reading The Heebie Jeebie Girl. I grew up in Youngstown , moving to Chardon, Ohio in the 80s. Love the fact that you have the city making comments. I keep searching for references I know of. It’s wonderful, Don’t know if you actually attended St. Cyril’s, but I have fond memories of that church. My great-aunt was the housekeeper for Father Wicca and we use to take boxes of lettuce to him for the dog. His assistant, Father Petrunyak was also a friend of the family. I am recommending this book to my older sister’s Bookclub in Florida. They do an annual Youngstown food meeting, with foods associated with the area. It’s a great book and I love your style of writing. You are right, When you are from Youngstown, it remains with you forever.

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I’m sorry I didn’t respond to your comment earlier (been having some website issues). Thank you so much for your kind words about The Heebie-Jeebie Girl. Sadly I didn’t attend St. Cyril, but many members of my family did. And my grandmother really lived on Audubon. I hope your sister’s bookclub enjoyed the book. (And if they haven’t read it yet, I’d be glad to chat with them via Zoom.) Thanks for reading!

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