We just had a new stove delivered. The old one was in the house when we moved in 11 years ago, thus its age was indeterminate. Only three of the four burners worked (there was a time when we turned it on with a pair of needle-nose pliers, but the model was discontinued and we couldn’t get a new knbo), and the oven stopped working last week. Before the new stove was delivered, I moved the old one so I could clean behind/under it. Under the old stove I found the following:
- 4 rawhide dog chews
- 1 rawhide bone
- 3 dessicated M&Ms (two peanut, one plain)
- 1 small candy heart in disturbingly good shape
- 1 unpopped kernel of popcorn
- 27 pieces of dog kibble
- Dust bunnies the size of a Mini Cooper
What I take away from all this is the next time you run out of dog food or dog chews, move your stove.